

Healthy diet April 08, 2020Dr. Dorothee Bös et al. The topic of nutrition is polarizing. Adherents of certain diets are sometimes irreconcilably opposed to each other. But which foods are really healthy? Let’s take a look at the current situation. Our diet is often too one-sided With the increase in meat, fat and sugar consumption, […]

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Natural remedy against cold: Relieve cold symptoms with vital mushrooms 03 February 2022Dr. Dorothee Bös et al. On average, adults are affected by a cold two to four times a year, and children even more frequently. Vital mushrooms can be used to treat cold symptoms very effectively and reduce their frequency. Trigger and transmission Cough,

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Detoxification and prevention

Detoxification of the body – the best prevention May 02, 2020Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske et al. In our modern society, the permanent intake of substances harmful to health is a growing problem. Vital mushrooms protect and strengthen the body gently and effectively and prevent illnesses. How pollutants affect our organism We absorb pollutants every day through

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Natural remedy for gout – vital mushrooms help with causes and symptoms April 24, 2021Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske et al. Gout is a disease that has accompanied mankind for over 2500 years. In the Middle Ages, they were considered a punishment for a dissolute life of gluttony. In fact, gout is often related to diet and

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Lymphatic system

Lymphatic system – detoxification and immune defense April 24, 2019Dr. Dorothee Bös et al. The lymph is a very special juice, which Thomas Mann already described in the “Zauberberg” as “the most delicate, intimate and tender thing in the whole body”. The lymphatic system – like the blood circulation, for example – is a system

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Skin diseases

Cure skin diseases naturally May 24, 2022Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske et al. Skin diseases can have very different causes. However, these never lie alone on our body surface. With neurodermatitis, psoriasis, warts and other diseases whose symptoms are manifested in changes in the appearance of the skin, imbalances in our body always play a role. Vital

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Lower cholesterol naturally: Vital mushrooms support effectively April 02, 2022Dr. Dorothee Bös et al. When it comes to health, the keyword on everyone’s lips is often cholesterol. But what exactly is cholesterol? And why do we distinguish between “good” and “bad” cholesterol? And how can vital mushrooms lower elevated cholesterol levels naturally and gently? What

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Circulatory disorders

Vascular diseases – circulatory disorders, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins April 30, 2022Dr. Dorothee Bös et al. Good blood circulation is very important for our health. After all, our vessels transport blood and thus oxygen as well as nutrients throughout the entire body. For this to work well and for the blood to reach all organs and

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Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer – good chances of cure 07 April 2022Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske et al. Every year, approximately 62,000 people in Germany develop colorectal cancer. However, this has a cure rate of up to 90 percent in the early stages. More than with other cancers, errors in diet are considered to be the cause: too much

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Intestinal composition

Intestinal rehabilitation after antibiotics 07 July 2021Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske et al. A healthy intestine is one of the most important basic requirements for our health. This is shown by the fact that even rather simple complaints in the intestinal tract can significantly affect our general well-being. These include flatulence, bloating or constipation. A healthy intestine

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